Law Enforcement Training
Our Law Enforcement training & support focus is on filling training gaps & ensuring our Law Enforcement Officers get the best training possible to counter terrorism in the Homeland. Our training is focused on front line teams such as SWAT, Bomb Disposal, Dive teams, Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) & Intelligence Units (HUMINT, Analysis & Fusion Centers).
Investigations (Cyber/Social Network Analysis)
Fusion Center support
EOD / C-IED support (Ground and Maritime)
Advanced Observation Skills (AOS/ASAT)
Advanced Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Electronic Warfare Support (C-IED)
Human Intelligence (HUMINT)
SWAT/EOD Interoperability
Terrorism Threats on the Homeland
Surveillance / Counter-Surveillance
Intelligence Analysis
Drone Operations for Law Enforcement
Advanced Behavioral & Threat Recognition
Threat Assessment Training
High Speed Vehicle Interdiction Course
High Threat Tactical Vehicle Operations Course
NOTE: These courses are only for US Law Enforcement only. To inquire please email us with your official agency email address. No inquiries will be entertained unless an official agency email is sent.